Look at it! Just look at it! So beautiful..... |
Pure awesome! I have the best of friends who made this for me. 30 bright BLUE LEDS hot glued into straws, wired up to a driver circuit, then manually poked through the bottom of the cake! Man, it must've taken some planning and time to make this! The whole thing was powered by six 9-Volt batteries! All lead-free solder a plus (no one wants to die from eating their birthday cake).

A toy fan was connected to a PIC microcontroller, which controlled the flicker of the LED candles! Blowing on the fan triggered a mechanical switch, which was counted by the microcontroller and turned off the LEDs. If you didn't blow long enough, the candles would turn back on like those trick candles that keep re-lighting!
Pretty sweet (Literally). My buddy Erik is going to put an Instructable on this soon, i'll link to the post when it goes up!
The aftermath ...took me 30 min to clean...a mess of wiring and cake bits everywhere! |
Definitely among the most memorable birthday cakes ever! My graduate school friends come up with the best birthday cakes hahahaha. Here's the one Linda made for me couple years ago. Anime girl drawn in Frosting!
what an awesome cake! i'm sorry i missed this party...
How old are you? There are so many candles to count! ;)
Seriously, probably the coolest electronic confection I've ever seen.
Thats awesome.... Sorry I missed the party....
I'm just now leaving a comment even though I read this a while back :) Thanks for featuring my cake! That LED light cake looks intense.... but only the best for Dan !
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