Sunday, January 26, 2020

Just a quick shot of my Relic Knight cadre, Cerci Speed Circuit, for the upcoming CaptainCon tourney.  Yes, you heard right!  Some peeps are actually running a tourney for this game, and I happen to live close enough to attend!   Gives me an excuse to finish up these models from way back when.  In the last couple months I finished Rin Farah, Pacer, Marie Claude's pokemon, and the two biker chicks.  Even though I only go for tabletop quality, it still takes me forever to paint each one. I will update this post in the future with some more detailed shots, hopefully.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Focused work: Noh Empire Assembled!

Now that I'm picking up the hobby again, one strategy I've decided to follow is Focus.  Us gamers love to try the latest board game (Star Wars Rebellion or Star Wars Destiny?) or follow the latest Kickstarter (Relic Knights 2.0?), and why not?  It's a hobby!  Just do whatever is interesting!  However, with my collection of unpainted Relic Knights, Super Dungeon Explore, Infinity, Malifaux, not to mention 3d-printed proxies for Star Wars X-wing and Armada I'm working on, I didn't have enough focus to get any one thing done. 

Thursday, March 30, 2017

A New Year, A Fresh Start on the hobby, and Relic Knights 2.0

Dynamic models from Relic Knights 1.0
Wow! It's been a while!  Lots has changed since the last time: I graduated, I moved, I got a job, I got married, and more recently I bought a house.  And when you spend all your time remodeling said house, not a whole lot of time is left for hobbies! But all of that is winding down now, and my new goal is to get my mountain of miniatures painted before a kid comes along.  And nothing gets the mojo going like following a Kickstarter: Relic Knights 2nd Edition =D.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Hobby knife refill from Japan... ingenious!

Picked this up from Daiso in SoCal over break.  It's like a $1 store except it's Japanese and everything is $1.50.  And since it's Japanese, everything has a touch of quality or uniqueness or cuteness or utility to it which makes shopping there super addicting.  

Check out this hobby knife re-fill.  It's got a slot for storing your used blades.  MIND BLOWN.  It fills such an obvious and logical need when replacing blades, it just makes sense, you wonder why you don't see that here.  The second item is glue tape, kinda like double sided tape, but in a dispenser like white-out tape.  Neat!  I got it for paper-crafting, since i make a lot of papercraft terrain perhaps this will make it faster.   Can't wait to try it!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sedition Wars: Upping the Strain

I hate to admit it, but the Strain need all the help they can get. Don't get me wrong, i'm still loving the game, but it needs a bit of tweaking.  With the right mix of Vanguard units, it's pretty tough for the Strain to win, in at least campaign scenario 1 and 2.  Here some modifications i've gathered from the forums which i'm going to try out in the next game:

Monday, February 18, 2013

Sedition Wars: First Impressions

Convinced my roommate to play/try-out Sedition Wars on a weeknight! It was fun! Since then I've played it like 6x (mostly scenario 1) and I am pretty happy with the game.  More after the jump:

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Painted Dwarf Fighter hero from SDE

Never toss a dwarf!
Hey folks, here's my first mini from Super Dungeon Explore painted up.  I choose the dwarf since he was my least favorite hero to try a new priming scheme, but now that he's painted, he's my most favorite!  Plus he's plays really well too, a tank immune to knockdown effect, perfect against the dragonlings in the base set!

I'm particularly fond of the beard work and the Non-Metal Metallic i used on the ax/shield.  It's my first time using the NMM technique where you paint the reflection using shades of grey instead of actual metallic paint.    I though it turned out fairly well considering i kept it simple and didn't use a ton of shades (only ~5).  

The priming technique i used this time is gray spray paint primer and then dry-brush white to highlight the details. I think it works better because although i like white primer for bright color, it always seems to take a thicker layer to get an even coat than grey or black.  Grey is a good balance.  The white only picks up on the  edges which gives your color basecoat a natural slight highlight.   Also the extra layers of white builds up where you want the build up (on the edges) so it's better than using a wash which fills in areas and decreases overall detail.  conceptually.  it may not actually make a significant difference.

Anyway, the game is great and we've been playing it a lot so i'll be painting the rest of the heroes up soon!