I saw these Pirates PocketModels being sold as a massive discount of 20 pack for $10 at Target, and I thought to myself, what a great deal - what game could i play with it? =) Naturally, Uncharted Seas came to mind as a fleet-level naval combat game which needs lots of ships, and i've been meaning to try out the game mechanics as a proxy for applying Firestorm Armada to my Star Wars Starship Battles figures. Read on for my conversion and review!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
WIP: Painted Castle Ravenloft figures
Instead of the usual friday night foray into the depths of Castle Ravenloft with my gaming friends, we decided to have a miniature painting party instead! and painted up some of the heroes and monsters from the game!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Navia Dratp in progress painting
In Progress: All I need to do is the eye detail, and maybe freehand the orange/red tattoos on his shoulder. |
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Homebrew Shurro chess set
Shuuro is this sweet new chess alternative game I wanted to try out but given my poor grad student status I couldn't afford the $80 price tag for the 2-player base + 4-player expansion. Really, the first thought you get when you see this is why don't people just make it themselves? So I set out to do just that and saved $40, but that's because i scored a sweet ebay deal for 7 chess sets. W/ithout Ebay, most likely the cheapest you can possibly build this for is ~$50. Yeah, that's right, you need 7 chess sets for 4 player set, 5 chess sets for 2 players. Is it worth saving $30 to spend time making it yourself? Read on and find out!
Monday, March 14, 2011
started a new cooking blog, TastyMonkeyFood
"What? a 2nd blog? Madness! you can't even keep up posting on the first blog!"
That may be true, but it's always bugged me that cooking doesn't really fit with the rest topics on this blog, and people who are interested in cooking may not be interested in reading about miniature painting, and vice versa. Also, the mix prevents me from advertising this blog on miniature gaming hobby sites. So now i've decided to split off all cooking posts to TastyMonkeyFood (keeping with the naming trend). If you liked all my cooking posts, check it out!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Getting started in miniature painting
Don't skip the prep work! I've tried painting without cleaning or priming and it just makes life harder in the end. |
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Obligatory 2011 New Year Post: Lessons for living a happy life
My awesome family, some day my nephew will be old enough to play miniature games with me, mwahaha! |
1. Have high expectations for yourself, and work hard to make yourself better. This is a given. Self-impovement is the game here, alway reflecting and striving to improve your personality, finances, skills, spirituality, everything. However, the problem with having high expectations for yourself, is that you generally also have high expectations for people around you. This will always be disappointing because no one is going to be the specific way you think they should be. Which leads to the next point...